Dilapidation Report East Fremantle

Why do {SUBURBSDESC(SUBURB)} Homeowners Need Dilapidation ReportsEast Fremantle?

Demolition, excavation and construction work can potentially cause damage to the surrounding properties such as yours.


Experts highly recommend that anyone planning major renovations, extensions, or construction projects obtain a thorough dilapidation reports East Fremantle and condition report. Nearby demolition and infrastructure projects can cause building faults if proper measures are not in place.

By law, authorities may require you to produce dilapidation reports. However, investing in these reports is always recommended, as they provide the most efficient way to avoid potential litigation disputes.

A Dilapidation report East Fremantle is a conditional inspection and report that either party can undertake:

  • The owner or builder of the property where demolition work is happening can commission dilapidation reports East Fremantle inspections on all neighboring properties to protect against unreasonable claims for damages caused by the works.
  • The owner of a property adjacent to a demolition or construction site may request a report for additional protection against potential damage.

What does the Report Provide?

A dilapidation report on your [SUBURB] home covers the essential areas of the property which could be negatively impacted by adjacent or neighbouring construction works. These include:

  • Internal walls, cornices, ceilings, floors.
  • External walls, paving, flooring, eave, windows, drives, crossovers, fences, retaining walls
  • Outbuildings and pergolas, patios, gazebos etc.

5 Reasons to choose matrix Inspections for your [SUBURB] dilapidation report

  • Experience: We have many years experience in creating clear and thorough dilapidation reports. This experience in the [SUBURB] area has given us a good eye for detecting deviations from the local building standards and codes.
  • Qualified: Our inspectors have and maintain builders registration. This provides our customers with a high level of knowledge and experience in construction in Western Australia.
  • Fully insured : We hold all the relevant insurances, including professional indemnity insurance, public liability insurance and workers compensation insurance.
  • Simple Clear Reports: We adhere to and exceed all of the current Western Australian and Australian reporting standards – but that doesn’t mean our reports are filled with confusing jargon and technicalities. Our reports are presented to you in clear English that anybody could understand to help you avoid misunderstanding all the technical jargon.
  • Going above and beyond: Our building reports meet all required standards for building reports. But our reports go above and beyond this by meeting and in some cases exceeding the optional standards.

Detailed Reports and Photographs

Whether the project is large or small, Matrix Inspections pays close attention to detail in both our inspection methodology and our written reports. Additionally, we include photographs to provide clear documentation, which will be invaluable if any disputes arise regarding potential damage caused by the works.

Moreover, Matrix Inspections remains independent and impartial. Because our inspectors are highly experienced, they understand exactly what to look for and how to accurately describe the locations and dimensions of any cracks or gaps. As a result, clients can trust our assessments to be both precise and reliable.

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